The people at Rogers Sportsnet clearly fail to understand this concept, considering they are a professional network, this is a huge let down. They constantly talk about their four channels which represent areas in their broadcast zone. They have Ontario, East West and Pacific which is a great idea because you could televise numerous games at a time. Sadly, they do not do this but instead show the same event on all four channels, even though everyone with Rogers already gets all four channels. For instance if you're a Champions League fan the only game available to you on Wednesday would be Valencia vs Manchester United. This seems very useless to have the same game on four channels instead of having four different games.

This is a disgrace, the sport should come before the dollar value but sadly in a supply and demand society this just is not a possibility. The love of the game ends up falling through the cracks while the money takes center stage. When players get to the point were they refuse to play unless they get multi million dollar contracts is where the league should draw the line, what about the fan? Do they not matter? Professional sports should make their main goal the enjoyment of fans by televising a wider variety of games to larger groups of people around the world.
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